Piet Blom
PIET BLOM (1934-1999)
Monograph Piet Blom
In 2008, the monograph on the work of architect Piet Blom (1934-1999) was published. The book is an initiative of son and architect Abel Blom, architecture photographer Dirk Verwoerd and author Jaap Hengeveld. With contributions from Francis Strauven, Hans van der Eijk and Maarten Kloos. This english book about the life and all his works of the famous architect Piet Blom is a full color edition, and contains 232 pages of material (24×30 cm). The english version can be bought by the Piet Blom Museum.
Piet Blom links:
Piet Blom Museum in Hengelo
Peak-Cubicle in Rotterdam
De Gesloten Stad – a perfect community – article of Pepijn Bakker (in Dutch)